Hotel Unter den Linden®
Rheinallee 1 - 65385 Rüdesheim-Assmannshausen am Rhein
Tel. 0049-[0]6722-2288 Fax.0049 [0] 6722-47201 [E-Mail]


Hotel unter den Linden
D-65382 Rüdesheim-Assmannshausen am Rhein

I have the following queries regarding a booking:

Family name
First name
Company (if on business)
Street, No
Zip, City
Date of arrival
Date of departure
Number of rooms
Type of rooms

If you require different types of rooms, please use the large field at the top of this form.
Number of persons
Adults and Children from 13 to 17 years required  
Adults and Children from 5 to 12 years
Children up to 4 years  
including breakfast 

Half board 

Full board 

Program request
For bookings on weekends from September to mid-October, please let be only overnight
Hiking - pure fun
"Adventure weekends"
Unforgettable Moments
For our Fit-Gourmets
only overnight
Additionally bookable and combined with our program
Carriage ride

* These fields please fill.