Hotel Unter den Linden®
Rheinallee 1 - 65385 Rüdesheim-Assmannshausen am Rhein
Tel. 0049-[0]6722-2288 Fax.0049 [0] 6722-47201 [E-Mail]

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White wines 0.75 l

house wine “Unter den Linden”

01 2002er Oestricher Lenchen, Riesling QbA € 12,00
medium dry

vineyard Backes -Assmannshausen/Rhein

02 2002er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Riesling-Silvaner QbA € 14,00

vineyard Johannishof - Johannisberg/Rheingau

The Johannishof vineyard has been awarded numerous prizes for its excellent wines.

03 2000er Geisenheimer Kläuserweg, Riesling QbA € 16,00
Melonennote, medium dry

04 2001er Johannisberger Hölle, Riesling QbA € 16,00 würzig, pikant, dry

05 2003er Johannisberger Vogelsang, Riesling Kabinett € 17,00 roter Apfel, mild

vineyard Peter Jakob Kühn - Oestrich/Rheingau

A hint of melon, spicy, zesty, dry red apple, mild “Peter Jacob Kühn is the rising star of the final decade of the outgoing century” – says the 2001 edition of the Gault Millau Wine Guide. The vineyard was awarded five stars by the “Mondo the best German wine producers and their wines” wine guide.

06 2001er Oestricher Riesling, QbA € 16,00

07 2001er Rheingauer Riesling „Graziosa“, QbA € 18,50

white wines 0,75 l

vineyard Georg Breuer – Rüdesheim/Rhein

The Breuer vineyard is one of the leading vineyards in Germany and is placed 92 on worldwide rankings.

08 2002er Rauenthal Estate, Riesling QbA € 17,50

09 2000er Montosa, Riesling QbA € 19,50 medium dry

vineyard Robert Weil – Kiedrich/Rheingau
Traditional and contemporary quality.

Since the vineyard was founded in the 19th century, the hallmark of the business has been the high quality which has consistently been maintained, both in the care of the vines and in processing the wines. This striving to produce top quality wines has been reflected for years in the response of the experts and the media, as selected excerpts from the press show:

Weinwelt, issue 5/2000:
“Among international winegrowers, Mr Weil is considered one of the best.”

Feine Küche, issue 3/2000:
“Among the best Riesling winegrowers in Germany, Mr Weil is the uncrowned Riesling King of the Rheingau”.

10 2001er Rheingauer Riesling, Quality wine medium dry € 20,00

11 2003er Rheingauer Riesling, Quality wine dry € 20,00

white wines 0,375 l

12 2001er Rheingauer Riesling, Quality wine dry€ 11,00

White wine Spätlese [late vintage] 0,75 l

13 2001er Mittelheimer Edelmann, Riesling Spätlese € 14,00
Choice Prädikat wine
vineyard Mehrlein, dry

14 2001er Rheingauer Riesling, Riesling Spätlese € 14,00
Choice Prädikat wine
vineyard Mehrlein, mild

The Weißherbst [rosé] 0,75 l

15 2000er Mittelheimer Edelmann, Spätburgunder QbA € 14,50
vineyard Mehrlein, medium dry

16 2002er Assmannshäuser Frankenthal, Spätburgunder QbA € 17,00
vineyard Dieter Backes, smooth dry

17 2001er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder QbA € 18,00
vineyard Robert König, dry

red wines 0,75 l

18 2002er Mittelheimer Edelmann, Dornfelder QbA € 14,50
vineyard Mehrlein, medium dry

19 2002er Mittelheimer Edelmann, Dornfelder QbA € 14,50
vineyard Mehrlein, dry

20 2002er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder QbA € 18,00
vineyard Dieter Backes, medium dry

21 2000er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder QbA € 18,00
vineyard Schneider, medium dry

The Robert König vineyard is one of Germany’s leading producers of red-wine, and has won numerous awards.

22 2002er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder QbA € 18,50
vineyard Robert König, dry

23 2002er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder QbA € 18,50
vineyard Robert König, medium dry

Staatsweingut Assmannshausen

Staatsweingut Assmannshausen Staatsweingut Assmannshausen, with 23 hectares of vines, is the largest red wine vineyard in Germany. 99% of the main vineyard is situated on the sun-drenched southern slopes “Assmannshäuser Höllenberg”. The designation „Hölle“ merely means slope, therefore in a steeply sloped location. The Spätburgunder [Pinot Noir] is cultivated only in steeply-sloped (30% - 65%) situations. Its first official mention (1108) identifies Archbishop Ruthard von Mainz as the landlord of the vineyard at the “Höllenberg”.

red wines 0,75l/0,375l

24 2002er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder QbA € 24,80
fruity, well-balanced, medium dry

25 1999er 0,375 € 13,00

26 2002er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder QbA € 24,80
Aroma, full-flavoured, well-balanced, dry

27 0,375 € 13,00

28 2002er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder Kabinett € 27,60
fruity, full-bodied, smooth, dry

The Weißherbst [rosé] 0,75l

29 2003er Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder QbA € 23,00

The Weißherbst [rosé] wines are pressed white from the Spätburgunder [Pinot Noir] grapes according to the traditional method. The grapes go into the wine-press whole, without must or pre-fermentation. This procedure produces the typical light red colour. Their fruity hint of Burgunder [Pinot], backed up by a hot-blooded, invigorating tartness, characterizes the unmistakable character of this typical “Assmannshausen” wine.